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Someone said,
nought in life
brings joy and pain,
like love.
Warm closeness,
shared secrets,
fun and laughter.
Giving, recieving.
Young or old.
Family, friends, lovers.
True happiness comes
with love.
But the price is high,
and paid in pain.
From mistakes.
From loss.
Pain so consuming,
We would rip
our heart
We all scream not fair,
when life’s ticket man comes,
forgetting we pay,
for less valued rewards.
Heartfelt agony,
for heartfelt joy.
What fairer exchange
Could there be?
Someone said,
love thy neighbour,
place a time bomb
in your heart.
Love is life,
Life is love.
All else,
Empty limbo.
Healing, reaching,
we love again,
to live again.
To the ticking in our heart.